
Organic Food
Organic Fertilizers


Comparison of Liquid Fertilizer to Dry Fertilizer

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Overview Gardeners who want to feed their plants can choose solid, liquid and even gaseous fertilizers. Although anhydrous ammonia is an option, most gardeners use either liquid or dry varieties. The READ MORE

A Growers Guide to Fertilizer

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In a perfect world, your garden's soil would provide all the nutrients plants need. But in the real world, garden and lawn soil -- and thus the plants that live in them -- often need a little boost. I READ MORE

How Do I Choose the Correct Fertilizer?

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Plants need a continuous supply of nutrients; however, sometimes the nutrients found naturally in the soil are not enough. In that case, fertilizer is needed. Choosing the correct type of fertilizer c READ MORE

What Is Organic Fertilizer?

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Organic fertilizers are fertilizer compounds that contain one or more kinds of organic matter. The ingredients may be animal or vegetable matter or a combination of the two. It is possible to purchase READ MORE

Organic Fertilizer

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You may have been put off organic fertilizers that don't produce the instant results that you're used to. But to make organic gardening work its wonders you need to do the other gardening things too. READ MORE

Organic Fertilizer and Soil Amendment Guide

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Extremely Green Gardening Company P.O. Box 2021 Abington, MA 02351 Beginnings Extremely Green started as a local gardening company in the New Hampshire seacoast. We were eager to find customer READ MORE

Organic vs. Synthetic Fertilizers

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Organic fertilizers differ from chemicals, in that, they feed your plants while building the soil's structure. Soils with lots of organic material, remain loose and airy, are better able to hold moist READ MORE
Organic Fertilizers
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