Benefits of Growing Organic Fruit And Veg
I guess the modern economic climate has been good in some ways. It has caused us to look closely at our lives and lifestyles. Most of us have felt the pinch and self sufficiency has become something many are now chasing. The family table is one place to begin. Improved finances but most importantly improved health.
New Table of Contents
What Is Organic Gardening?
A Little More Info
Why Grow My Own Fruit And Veg?
First Step - Space
Real Fruit And Veg? In My Garden?
This Could Be Yours!
A Little Taster
What To Plant, What To Plant!
How Much Will I Save?
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Mini Green Thumbs
Put Your Fruit And Vegetables To Good Use
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What Is Organic Gardening?
In a nutshell, organic gardening is gardening minus the use of synthetic aids such as pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. It returns and replenishes the nutrients in the soil. It exists, grows and develops in tune with nature. Your garden is a small part of a whole natural system.
A Little More Info
Organic horticulture is the science and art of growing fruits, vegetables, flowers, or ornamental plants by following the essential principles of organic agriculture in soil building and conservation, pest management, and heirloom variety preservation.
The Latin words hortus (garden plant) and cultura (culture) together form horticulture, classically defined as the culture or growing of garden plants. Horticulture is also sometimes defined simply as ?agriculture minus the plough.? Instead of the plough, horticulture makes use of human labour and gardener's hand tools, although some small machine tools like rotary tillers are commonly employed now.
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Why Grow My Own Fruit And Veg?
Fruit and vegetables are at their best when picked. Whichever may be your concern, nutrition or flavour, the sooner they are consumed after picking the better.
Generally speaking, commercially grown crops are chosen according to yield, appearance and shelf life. Taste and quality are second to economics. By growing your own, you will be able to enjoy fresh and delicious fruit and vegetables as they should be.
Despite claims of great savings supermarket produce is quite expensive. Home grown produce will provide you with freshness, taste and variety. Growing seasonal produce will keep your tastebuds tantilized throughout the year while providing the seed for the next year's crops.
There are thousands of varieties of fruit and vegetables to select from when growing your own. More often than not it is the popular fruit and vegetables that are available at the supermarket and so variety can generally be limited. This will no longer be a concern as the choice of available fruit and vegetables will be up to you.
An increasing number of us have become concerned about what we put on the table, what we are feeding ourselves and what we are exposing our families to. Home grown fruit and vegetables will take a weight of your mind. No herbicides, pesticides or xyz.
First Step - Space
Patch And Pots
You have decided to put your hand to gardening but do not know how to get started. The first step is to establish a method of gardening. Will it be a garden patch, space allowing, or pots. Living in a city as I do the first option is not always possible, but there are ways around that. Pots can serve you well particularly while learning the ropes and nurturing your green thumb.
High Density Gardening
Real Fruit And Veg? In My Garden?
Growing your own organic fruit and vegetables is not as complex as you may have previously thought. The learning process and the end result will create a profound feeling of achievement. Be it your own batch of bright and crunchy carrots, juicy, succulent tomatoes or humble spuds. Once you have tasted the fruits of your labour and have seen that it is possible for you to provide for your family from your own home, I doubt you will ever return to store bought produce.
This Could Be Yours!
Care To Try?
A Little Taster
Organic gardening: How to grow an organic vegetable garden
by HowdiniGuru | video info
299 ratings | 126,109 views
curated content from YouTube
What To Plant, What To Plant!
Start Small - Your Garden Grows With You
The best or most manageable crops for the beginner are:
How Much Will I Save?
"Every Little Helps"
In all things in life there are favourites and fruit and veg are no different. Our tastes vary in expense and taste, as such one of the things to consider when making choices as to what type of crop to plant would be determined by flavour and budget primarily. There are the usual favourites some of which of are aubergines, courgettes and salad leaves; experience will give opportunities to branch out and savour an eclectic selection of homegrown produce. In terms of overall savings I would say that they will be quite pronounced for those whose diet consists of a large proportion of fruit and veg. As the home takes the place of the supermarket or the green grocer, trips to the shops will no longer be needed. In this regard, travel may well be another area of substantial savings.
Benefits of Growing Organic Fruit And Veg
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