Where to Get Organic Food
Everyone knows that they should eat better, but one of the biggest problems with buying organic foods is that you cant find it! It is only in the last two or three years that organic foods have begun to be sold in big box supermarkets along with conventionally grown ones. Your local food market is still the best place to get clean, fresh straight off the farm produce. But the decision is yours!
Local Organic food vs. Supermarkets
One of the biggest reasons why chemicals have been added to our foods over the last decades has been for the sake of preservation. Most fruits and vegetables were not ment to last long journeys across the continent before ending up on store shelves and then finally your plate at home. Local food markets however are often organized and run by people in your community who grow food themselves which means the travel time from the farm to you is at a minimum and no chemicals are required (or at least kept at a minimum) before you can buy it. There have been many efficiencies gained over the last few years to help alleviate this problem where big box stores will actually turn to the local farmers to sell their products rather then relying on a farm hundreds and sometimes thousands of miles away. This has increased costs for consumers, but they are often willing to pay the premium if it means that they know where their food comes from.
Trust your Local Producer
Working at a mid-sized grocery store for a number of years i know this first hand as people often ask for the local variety of produce rather then save a few bucks on something that comes from a far away land. People trust their neighbours more then they will some nameless corporation. Use the list below to find your state which will have a list of stores and markets where you can get organically certified foods for you and your family.
Organic Food Store Listings by State
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